250g whole bean coffee Samambaia - Brasile Almond - Caramel - Cocoa

9,20 €
(1 g = 0,04 €)
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Lieferzeit: 3 Tag(e)


The great hills of Sul de Minas offer ideal conditions for growing coffee and producing some of the best Brazilian coffees.
The area where the plantation is located is known as “Vertentes”, because it forms a boundary between two very important Brazilian basins: the Grande river basin (which flows south) and the São Francisco river basin (which flows north -east).
Henrique Dias Cambraia, farmer of the Fazenda Samambaia, attributes the success of his coffee to a combination of various factors, not least: the geographical location of the company; competent technical management of the plantations with individualized phytosanitary controls of the planting fields; constant training based on total quality control programs; and, above all, the involvement of the entire team working in the company.
Henrique is committed not only to producing high quality coffee, but to cultivating in a socially responsible and ecologically sustainable manner, allowing him to win several awards over the years including the Cup of excellence, one of the main awards in terms of quality in the countries of origin.
On a sensory level this coffee represents the simplicity of Brazilian coffees whilst having distinctive notes of dried fruit and caramel followed by a very pleasant aftertaste of cocoa.

Samambaia 250g Whole Bean Coffee quantity

Country: Brasile
Region: Sul de Minas
Area: Campos dos Vertentes
Fazenda: Samambaia
Altitude (m.slm): 1000-1100
Process: Pulped natural and sun dried
Variety: Mondo novo, Acaià, Catucaì, Bourbon